Love getting your teeth cleaned with AIRFLOW® Therapy!

The team at Discover Dental are very excited to offer the latest in tooth cleaning technology with the addition of Airflow® therapy to our hygiene services. 

The AIRFLOW®system fits perfectly with our minimally invasive, tooth-preserving approach to dental care. Not only does it clean teeth better, but it is more comfortable and faster!

We've all had a go and love it. Come in and see what all the fuss is about!

AIRFLOW® Therapy and Biofilm

The AIRFLOW® system forms part of the process of Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT). Biofilm is the furry feeling that grows on your teeth if you don’t clean them thoroughly. It is essentially a layer of bacteria glued together in a slimy and very sticky matrix. 

Depending on the type of bacteria, biofilm can harbour stains, cause inflammation of your gums, and lead to tooth decay. 

This photo shows a patient with her top teeth treated and her lower teeth untreated.

What are the benefits of AIRFLOW® therapy?

  • AIRFLOW® therapy uses air and warm water to spray a stream of low abrasive glycine based powder onto the tooth surface. This jet of air, water, and powder removes the biofilm, surface stains, plaque, young calculus (tartar), other deposits and trapped food particles.
  • The glycine powder is very fine and will not abrade teeth, fillings or metal. This makes it perfect for cleaning around crowns, bridges and implant structures, where biofilm builds up and causes complications.
  • The spray jet can remove biofilm and staining from even the finest fissures, nooks and crannies in teeth, as well as around orthodontic retainers and braces.
  • The AIRFLOW® system delivers warm water so patients with tooth surfaces that are sensitive to cold find the process much more comfortable.
  • Unlike other powder-based systems, AIRFLOW therapy can be used below the gum line, reducing the hygienists use of traditional scaler instruments in these areas.  
  • After the removal of the biofilm, calculus (tartar) becomes easier to see, feel and selectively remove. Again, this reduces the need for traditional scaling on every tooth surface.
  • The AIRFLOW® cleaning tips do not use electromagnetic power. They can be used safely in patients with pacemakers or internal defibrillators.

How to book an AIRFLOW® therapy appointment

If you specifically want AIRFLOW® treatment, please contact us 04 472 3510 and we will happily make you a booking.

We look forward to helping you improve your oral health with this exciting new dental advancement!

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