Baby teeth dental accidents and what to do
Knocked out tooth
- Do not replant baby teeth. They will be naturally replaced by an adult tooth in the near future.
- Try and find the missing tooth to make sure it hasn’t actually been pushed right in (intruded) or is stuck in the lip, tongue, or elsewhere.
Pushed in teeth (intrusions)
- These need to be assessed by a dentist as soon as possible to make sure they haven’t been pushed into the adult tooth below.
Other injuries to baby teeth
- No other injuries to baby teeth require urgent treatment. However, an examination is recommended.
- It is not uncommon for baby teeth to discolour and become darker after trauma. Providing the tooth has no other symptoms, this usually requires no treatment.
Managing accident patients
- Try and get the patient as comfortable as possible and out of pain by giving them an appropriate dose of paracetamol (pamol for kids).
- Apply pressure to any areas of bleeding until they stop.
- Wipe away any excess blood with a soft, damp cloth. This generally makes everyone feel better and helps view how bad injuries really are.
If you are unsure if the patient’s injury warrants a dental visit, please call us on 04 472 3510 and we can give you advice. Some injuries need to be treated immediately to save the teeth or to get the best long-term outcome.