Many patients chose dental implants to replace single teeth, several teeth, or to support a full set of dentures.
The implant fixtures will last a long time, possibly the rest of your life. Scientific studies of all implants show success rates of 96.5% at 11 years.
It is important to understand that the artificial teeth (crown, bridge or denture) require regular maintenance and that they will wear with use.
Porcelain crowns are very colour stable and after many years the colour of the crown may not match the colour of the adjacent teeth. While the implant fixtures remain in place, the worn, damaged or mismatched teeth they support may need removal for repair or replacement. We would expect the teeth to last at least 10-15 years before this was required.
Cost varies greatly depending on the treatment plan, prosthesis design and choice of material. As a guide, approximate total costs, including the surgeon’s fees are:
(B) A ‘healing abutment’ is attached to the top of the fixture, protruding just through the gum.
(D) If there is sufficient healthy bone, a temporary crown or bridge can be placed on to the implant fixture at the time of surgery. This is called immediate loading. It is very useful for visible missing teeth. Patients can have the implant and temporary crown placed on the same day. However, this technique puts extra force on the healing implant. Immediate loading does have an increased risk of failure, but the success rates for immediate loaded implants and conventional implants are still both high. The oral surgeon will advise us if this immediate loading is possible.
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